Therapeutic Services

For Children

The early years are some of the most formative when it comes to the development of secure attachments. These years are foundational in ensuring positive, healthy transitions through the various life stages. Through a combined effort, progress can be made towards goals for both the child and the family unit.


For Adolescents

Adolescence can present as a challenging time for various reasons. School, social, and personal life developments all play a part. Teens are exploring who they are as individuals—which can lead so some serious contention in the family unit. These years often focus on the concepts of respect, belonging, and identity.

For Adults

Adulthood is a journey of continuous growth and change—from the complicated navigations of independence as a young adult to the difficult transitions that come with time and life experience in the later years—there is a great deal to be discovered and processed together.

For Families

All families are different. While each faces different trials and tribulations, hope can be found in the knowledge that coming together to collectively seek change is a sign of great strength and unity—even if it is not readily apparent at the outset. Through determination and commitment, great progress can be achieved.